It is essential that your food provides your body and cells with the fuel they need to produce brown fats in order for the Derivative Bath (gel pads) to actually help the body work in a positive way.
Just as you fill your car’s tank with the correct fuel, you cannot fuel your body with just anything.
The Miam-ô-Fruit is inspired by natural food that has been inherent since the beginning of humanity, its ingredients have been studied in depth and adapted to the demands of modern daily life. This formula is more than just a “recipe” which you can modify as you wish.
It follows precise criteria detailed in the 36 pages of “La Méthode" (The Method) published by Éditions du Rocher. It is suitable for children as well as the elderly.
We recommend that you take it daily without adding or removing any of the ingredients. You will find it in the recipe on our website. We hope you enjoy it!
Miam-ô-Fruit is the essential partner for your YOKOOL gel pocket!